Nice to make your acquaintance once more.
I’m Mina.

It might shock you to realise that you are not where you once were.
My old website rather tragically is no more.

Be that as it may, I’ve resurrected parts of it in an effort to impart just a little of my essence.
In the hope that you can experience just a sliver of what lies ahead should you deign to make a request for a meeting.

If it wasn’t abundantly clear to you already, my name is Mina Fontana.
I am a women whose intrigue and allure lies within what I do not reveal.

Online: I am uncharacteristically reserved, if you dare to follow me on Twitter.

However, in reality, when you do eventually confront me, you will find that I am wholly uninhibited, unrestricted and free.


Perhaps, not quite…

I am an exceptionally private creature, one who revels in secrecy, dark dealings and clandestine operations.
Ultimately, finding that for the majority of the exceptional beings I find myself meeting to be the same.

Pining not just for a forbidden, delightful encounter but also the deep intimacy and connection that is forged when one takes the time to really peel back the layers of desire.
Unrushed and deliberate.

If it wasn’t immediately obvious, you will find that above all else I savour quality:
Quality time. Quality experiences. Quality people.
My sense of style mirrors those same sentiments: sexy, simple, understated with a refined sense of elegance.

Make no mistake my personilI do not aim to stand out but

I more than make up for it with my vivacious personality, you’ll find I’m quick to laughter my attitude fun, flirty, carefree.

Resistance is futile.
Set yourself free…